Located in Deoksan-eup, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea, the Jincheon Plant was constructed on a site of 19,968㎡ with a total floor area of 5,636㎡ with 2 floors above ground and 1 floor underground, and started to produce raw materials and finished drugs from completion of construction in 1989. Following the establishment of Jincheon Plant, REYON was selected as a KGMP facility qualified company by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in March 1991 and commenced production of excellent-quality finished pharmaceutical products. In 1994, the company expanded the fermentation plant, which had a total floor area of 5,361㎡ and 3 stories above the ground, and the total gross floor area is now 13,800.18㎡, serving as a solid foundation for mass production of pharmaceutical products.