Produce from Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient to Drug product Using its Own Technology
Tacroli Cap. 1mg
Active Ingredient Tacrolimus 1mg
Category Immunosuppressants
Packing unit (/box) 10C/PTP x 10
  • Indication

    1. Prophylaxis of organ rejection receiving a kidney transplant
    2. Prophylaxis of organ rejection receiving a liver transplant
    3. Bone-marrow transplantation: graft rejection reaction after bone-marrow transplant and graft-versus-host disease disorders
    4. Chronic rheumatoid arthritis (only when not enough effect can be obtained using antirheumatics (DMARD))
    5. Lupus nephritis: resistant lupus nephritis steroid mono-maintenance therapy, in which kidney function is normal using only single administration of steroid medications for a long period regarding lupus remission maintenance, however, shows continuous nephritis clinical finding. (Effect is inefficient using steroid medication or dosage of steroid medication cannot be increased due to side effects.)
    (Lupus nephritis is a rare disease, in which a large scale of the clinical test is not conducted. The decrease in urinary protein amount per day and the positive effect of complement amount has been evaluated. The number of clinical trial patients over 28 weeks is small, and stability and effectiveness for prolonged administration of this drug are not established.)