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Reyon Pharmaceutical and Neuracle Science discuss launching follow-up clinical trials for new antibody drugs against neurodegenerative diseases


- Joint development contract for NS101, a new antibody drug for neurodegenerative diseases, with exclusive license and marketing rights in Korea

- Initial discussion for follow-up clinical trials after the global phase 1 clinical trial

Reyon Pharmaceutical (Representative Directors: Jung SoonOck, Yoo Yonghwan) announced on the 24th that the company had started discussing follow-up clinical trials with its partner, Neuracle Science Co., Ltd. (CEO: Sung Jae-young), including phase 2 clinical trials, for NS101, an antibody treatment for neurodegenerative diseases.

NS101, an antibody treatment for degenerative neurological disease, is a first-in-class Alzheimer's disease treatment, undergoing clinical trials in Canada as a new and the first dementia antibody drug developed in Korea. After the last patient administration and visit, the drug entered a DBL (database lock) stage, with the CSR (clinical trial report) expected to be completed within January next year.

NS101 is a novel antibody drug with an action mechanism differentiated from those known so far, regenerating the central nerves by promoting the structural activation of synaptic junctions.

In addition to Alzheimer's disease, the company is also developing a treatment for various synaptopathy diseases caused by synaptic dysfunction, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), traumatic spinal cord injury, sensorineural hearing loss, and optic nerve disease.

Reyon Pharmaceutical drives joint research after signing a joint development agreement with Neuracle Science in 2018 for a KRW 10 billion stake acquisition. The two companies plan to form a joint development committee to run domestic clinical trials and begin discussions on follow-up clinical trials soon, including GMP production strategies for commercializing and utilizing the Chungju plant.

Yoo Yonghwan, Representative Director of Reyon of Reyon Pharmaceutical, said, "We are committed to achieving rapid success in the pipeline through follow-up clinical discussions on NS101, Neuracle Science's first-in-class antibody treatment.", and continued "In addition, we are currently discussing joint development and production with several companies based on the Chungju plant and ready to accelerate our leap forward as a global bio- & chemical-pharmaceutical company."

Sung Jae-young, CEO of Neuracle Science,  commented, "We expect to achieve good results in follow-up clinical trials by cooperating with Reyon Pharmaceutical, a joint development partner for NS101 with the domestic licensing and marketing rights. At the same time, our technology transfer efforts should deliver convincing results as we discuss confidentiality agreements with multiple global pharmaceutical companies."